ADA Design

UPC Parks uses ADA standards for accessible design for use by individuals with disabilities. All UPC Parks products are ADA accessible when used individually and when coupled with an ASTM 1951 certified play surface, because they are ground-level accessible. When used in groups to create an entire play area, the layout of the parts will determine which parts remain accessible. When an ADA compliant pathway exists to the part, it remains accessible.

In addition to being ground-level accessible, UPC Parks also has several components with specific ADA functionality in mind, such as: Sequoia Log, Ramp Rock,  and Ruby Falls.

Sequoia Log

The Sequoia Hollow Log features a tree-sized tunnel that although not an ADA pathway, is large enough to allow most wheelchairs easy access. The interior of the log is designed for social interaction and relationship building.
• Social play
• Space for most wheelchairs

ADA Ramp Rock

Ramp Rock has a specially designed flat, smooth surface that allows wheelchair access through the functionally linked Rocks & Ropes parts, to fully immerse all children in the nature play experience.
• Wheelchairs can easily roll over
• Wheelchair users can explore the playground with their friends


ADA Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls is a Creek Play type sand and water table that is push-button activated, resulting in a fast-flowing creek through deltas and dams of sand. A specially designed area allows wheelchair access to pull up to the fun. The wheelchair accessible section should be used with unitary safety surfacing.
• All age appeal
• Social play

Mosaic Tiles

For children with visual or sensory impairments, UPC Parks Creatures and Themed parts may be covered in mosaic tiles. These tiles provide children with a plethora of tactile experiences.