Technical Information
MATERIALS: Our PolyFiberCrete® product is a revolutionary synthetic sandstone. It is a blend of lightweight materials which retain exceptional grip texture for climbing. The texture is the same on the surface as it is 8 inches deep, which means your climbing grip can never wear off. Imagacast© is a full aggregate modified precast concrete, which is used in many of the themed concrete parts and embankment slides.
SAFETY STANDARDS: UPC Parks Rocks & Ropes©, and many of our creatures and Imagacast© lines of products are IPEMA certified, which means they have been tested to ASTM playground safety standards. All UPC Products are designed to the ASTM, CPSC, and CSA standards.
Technical Information
MATERIALS: Our PolyFiberCrete® product is a revolutionary synthetic sandstone. It is a blend of lightweight materials which retain exceptional grip texture for climbing. The texture is the same on the surface as it is 8 inches deep, which means your climbing grip can never wear off. Imagacast© is a full aggregate modified precast concrete, which is used in many of the themed concrete parts and embankment slides.
SAFETY STANDARDS: UPC Parks Rocks & Ropes©, and many of our creatures and Imagacast© lines of products are IPEMA certified, which means they have been tested to ASTM playground safety standards. All UPC Products are designed to the ASTM, CPSC, and CSA standards.

UPC concrete playground parts are fast and easy to install. Most of our parts have an integral footing. Just set them on rough grade, install 12” of wood chips or fill/rubber surfacing or turf, and they are done. Parts with ropes or nets attached always need a site poured footing. See spec sheets and installation documentation for full details.

UPC concrete playground parts are fast and easy to install. Most of our parts have an integral footing. Just set them on rough grade, install 12” of wood chips or fill/rubber surfacing or turf, and they are done. Parts with ropes or nets attached always need a site poured footing. See spec sheets and installation documentation for full details.
PolyFiberCrete® and Imagacast© both come with a twenty year warranty. Precast concrete has a reputation for lasting much longer than that, with occasional maintenance. Rubber hop rocks and nets have a one year warranty. Two and three rope bridges (all types) will be replaced at no cost to the client, EVEN FOR WEAR AND TEAR, for a period of ten years from original purchase date, if installed correctly.

PolyFiberCrete® and Imagacast© both come with a twenty year warranty. Precast concrete has a reputation for lasting much longer than that, with occasional maintenance. Rubber hop rocks and nets have a one year warranty. Two and three rope bridges (all types) will be replaced at no cost to the client, EVEN FOR WEAR AND TEAR, for a period of ten years from original purchase date, if installed correctly.